The IPPC mark indicates that the pallet, crate or dunnage material that it is marked on has met the ISPM 15 criteria under the IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention), i.e. the pallet, crate or dunnage material has been treated against invasive insects or plant diseases and is safe for use in international shipping.
Hewitt’s offers solutions for marking pallets, crates and dunnage materials. Whether your need is for a Stencil, Rubber Stamp, in-line contact or non-contact Printer, Ink Jet or Branding Iron option, we will work with you to provide the best solution to meet your marking needs efficiently and cost effectively.
Hewitt’s has provided Marking Products to business and Industry since 1898. We pride ourselves in our attention to detail, the quality of our products and customer satisfaction.
Hewitt’s comprehensive line of IPPC Marking Systems include Aluminum and Mylar Stencils, Propane and Electric Branding Irons, Industrial Rubber Grade Stamps, Hand Rollers with continuous rubber ring dies, Reciprocating Printers, Indexing and Non-Indexing Contact Print Systems and Non-Contact Ink Jet Print Systems.
We welcome any and all inquiries regarding our Marking Products and look forward to working with you and your company.
Below you will find options we offer for marking your pallets, crates and dunnage material.

Stencil IPPC Marking
We will supply an industrial polyester mylar stencil with an IPPC image and your registration particulars in any custom size to suit your specific application. We can also supply you with Marsh brand stenciling products such as foam rollers, pads, fountain rollers and brushes. We have several ink options available also depending on your needs. Heavier duty aluminum stencils can also be manufactured in a roller or spray format depending on your specific requirements. Please refer to our Stencil Products page.
When you’re ready to place an order or if you require additional information on IPPC Marking Systems, contact our Forestry & Industrial Marking representative, Jeffery Mahe directly at 604-727-0707, in the office at 604-294-6288 or by email to

Rubber Stamp IPPC Marking
We will supply an industrial hard wood lumber stamp complete with a deep molded vulcanized rubber die with an IPPC image and your registration particulars in any custom size to suit your specific application. Flat, rocker or hammer base mounts are available as requested. We can also supply a metal cased felt stamp pad in a range of sizes for use with your stamp and in conjunction with several ink options. If required, we can also supply an industrial metal self-inking stamp for certain applications. Please refer to our Lumber & Industrial Rubber Stamps page.
When you’re ready to place an order or if you require additional information on IPPC Marking Systems, contact our Forestry & Industrial Marking representative, Jeffery Mahe directly at 604-727-0707, in the office at 604-294-6288 or by email to

Continuous Contact IPPC Marking
We will supply our industrial hard wood lumber hand roller complete with a deep molded vulcanized rubber die with an IPPC image and your registration particulars in a 1.5″ or 3″ wide continuous roller format in a self-inking or non self inking option. We can also provide you with other types of mountable continuous contact marking systems. Please refer to our Continuous Contact Marking page.
When you’re ready to place an order or if you require additional information on IPPC Marking Systems, contact our Forestry & Industrial Marking representative, Jeffery Mahe directly at 604-727-0707, in the office at 604-294-6288 or by email to

Inkjet IPPC Marking
We can supply Inkjet marking equipment in both hand held models and mounted models which can be programmed with an IPPC image and your registration particulars. Please refer to our Inkjet Printers page.
When you’re ready to place an order or if you require additional information on IPPC Marking Systems, contact our Forestry & Industrial Marking representative, Jeffery Mahe directly at 604-727-0707, in the office at 604-294-6288 or by email to
Branding Iron IPPC Marking
We can supply Branding Iron marking equipment in both hand held electric or propane powered models and drill press mounted models or supply replacement branding heads for any custom application you may already have. All branding heads are deeply engraved with an IPPC image and your registration particulars in solid brass in any size to suit your requirements. Please refer to our Branding Irons page.
When you’re ready to place an order or if you require additional information on IPPC Marking Systems, contact our Forestry & Industrial Marking representative, Jeffery Mahe directly at 604-727-0707, in the office at 604-294-6288 or by email to